
Bureaucracy is an ongoing participatory performance project that challenges the audience to consider their relationship to bureaucratic systems by engaging with a constructed bureaucratic apparatus. The performance of Bureaucracy has previously manifested itself as a series of public performances in art galleries, festivals, and as a pop-up in public spaces. It is also manifested through email and physical correspondence that engages participants outside of the actual performances.

Participants in Bureaucracy are required to fully and correctly complete, and then submit for scrutiny, a series of forms in order to become full participants in the performance. By enacting and reenacting essential bureaucratic functions within a bureaucratic apparatus, participants experience a real bureaucratic environment and enact the notional bureaucracy of their imaginations. In doing so, they experience a range of stimuli, emotions and responses that allow a critical consideration of bureaucracies and their role in society.

An essential tenet of the project is that it does not approach bureaucracy with a satirical tone. Bureaucracy instead addresses bureaucracy as a natural phenomenon that is an outgrowth of large-scale human systems.

Form 0001 ID Number Request
Form 0002 ID Card Application
Form 0004 Create Participation Candidate
Form 0010 Photo Request and Approval
Form 0017 Report Lost or Stolen ID card
Form 0024 Express Participation Candidate Creation
Form 0026 Combined Release

Nic Hanna
Richard Wheeler